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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2019 16:51:08 GMT
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he stands far away from his subject, hidden in plain sight within the frozen vegetation of the wilderness. beside him was his own pokemon, acting like a sentry for its trainer as he busies himself with something else.

"look at them being all cute and fluffy," he mutters beneath his breath.

he holds his binoculars with his left hand, pressing them against his eyes as he watches a pack of mightyena travel through nature. even among wild pokemon, they have maintained a formation to organize themselves through the travel. the strongest take the lead and the rear, while the youngest were in the center. kyle wasn't focused on that, however, but on each individual canine in them.

"fuck, i wanna get them all for myself so bad..."

they have been watching them from afar for a while, without the pokemon even noticing their presence. the wind was on their favor, and they seem to be focused on more pressing matters, such as getting the less advantaged members of their pack around.

there were puppies and senior dogs among them. he bites his lower lip as he restrains himself. they were his weakness-- his achilles' heel-- and seeing them made him as such. eventually, he takes the binoculars away to turn to the person beside him.

"stormy, give me one good reason why i shouldn't."

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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 1:52:19 GMT
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Stormy waits impatiently, shifting her weight and peering over his shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of the Mightyena pack. Just as he bites his lip and whispers about how cute and fluffy they are, she allows a muted but exasperated groan to pass through her lips.[break][break]

"Okay, okay, but let me see."[break][break]

She groans, reaching for his binoculars as he begins to remove them from his face. Then, with a pleased smile on her face, she takes a moment to observe the pack. Her shoulders sag as the dopamine of adorableness sets in and makes her grin.[break][break]

"Because you already have a pack at home. Don't you have like ten Mightyena and Poochyena now? Besides, if you take these guys from their home, it'll probably upset the ecosystem. I know, boring, boring, but it's true. As a ranger, I'm ordering you to not do it."[break][break]

She smirks as she says this, shaking her head as she presses the binoculars into his chest. The woman tucks her scarf in tighter against her face, shoving it down the front of her coat to make sure no wind can invade. [break][break]

Something catches her peripheral though as she turns, and she can hear the sound of puppies crying- but it doesn't sound normal or relaxed as they usually are. [break][break]


Just as she turns to see if he's picked up on what she's noticed, snow begins to tumble at terrifying speeds down the side of the mountain, headed for the group of straggling puppies that had been distracted chasing leaves in the wind. [break][break]



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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 16:03:15 GMT
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kyle already had his head turned to the direction by the time stormy calls his name.

"hyper beam, alpha," he whispers, eyes eerily staring blankly at the forming avalanche. he gets up, and then shouts the second part. "add some fire into it!"

he starts sprinting down the slope that went straight to the trail the mightyena pack were following, beckoning stormy to follow. they were left with little time to work with, and that means winging the entire strategy to save the day.

"stormy, dogs or the avalanche? choose one. i'll go for the other."

hands would pluck a pokeball from a holster situated at his side, releasing a lycanroc that would start running beside him. it stares at his trainer as it waits for further instructions.

his mightyena stood at where kyle previously was, staying in place. flames from fire fang start to combine with the beam of energy being charged at his mouth. without wasting a second longer, a heated hyper beam is shot between the snow and the mightyena, slowing the progression of the avalanche by a few moments.

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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 16:31:36 GMT
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Her heels kick up snow as she skids down the side of the hill in pursuit of her friend. His words are sharp and to the point as he orders Alpha to help hold the avalanche back. The Pokemon stays back while the pair race to rescue the pack of Mightyena. The older ones are confused, pacing uncomfortably as fear locks them in place. Several younger Mightyena do their best to keep them moving, to bare their teeth at the humans, to flee.[break][break]

"I'll.. I'll take the avalanche."[break][break]

The woman's face pales as she says this, as she comes to terms with what she's agreed to, what she's facing. Twice before she had been caught out in the snow, buried alive, unable to fight the cold.[break][break]

Not this time. This time, she would rescue these Pokemon and she wouldn't fail again.[break][break]

Besides, Kyle was probably the better pick to deal with the wild dogs anyway.[break][break]

Two Pokemon appear at her side then as she focuses on what she needs to do. Tyranitar and Rhyhorn shuffle their feet uncomfortably in the cold, but they're alert, they're ready.[break][break]

"Stone edge, make a barrier! We can change the direction of the avalanche, we just need to move quickly!"[break][break]

They both growl and take a determined step forward, their feet leaving deep imprints in the snow. The ground begins to tremble a bit as they focus their energy, and sharp rocks begin to jut up from the ground, effectively building a rough-looking rock wall behind them. The avalanche continues to barrel down despite the hyper beam, but it was enough time for the rock wall to be built.[break][break]

Arcanine has returned, facing his own fears of the storm. [break][break]

"Arcanine, I need you to help steer the avalanche, I need you to melt as much of the snow as you can!"[break][break]

He dips his head, ears flattening as he considers her request. She nods, glancing up at the waterfall of snow. With a deep breath, the giant dog Pokemon leaps into the fray, blasting round after round of flamethrowers up the hill, hoping he can melt some of the worst of it before it reaches them.[break][break]



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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2020 8:37:34 GMT
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working with wild pokemon was much more of a hassle than what he assumed compared slowing down the avalanche. at the very least, it's the safer of the two choices.

if stormy chose to do the riskier part, then kyle assumes that she's capable of doing her part.

kyle takes out another staple on his ranger runs. another mightyena takes form, running alongside him and his lycanroc as soon as his paws touch the ground.

"taunt, swagger, attract... anything! get their attention, delta! zeke, you're with me."

a low frequency whistle is taken out from a small bag attached to his hip, placing it to his mouth with the lanyard it is attached to hanging freely underneath. the lycanroc is simply there for protection and it is his mightyena that does majority of the work.

he situates himself in between the avalanche and the pack. he blows the whistle in a steady rhythm as his hands move to direct them in a direction away from the avalanche's trajectory not unlike traffic control officer.

while the wild pokemon may be unable to translate kyle's actions into coherent thoughts, his mightyena manages to relay the instructions to them.


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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2020 15:34:16 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

It certainly is the safer of two choices - Stormy had intentionally chosen the more difficult and more dangerous task. She had no real method of encouraging a pack of wild, terrified Mightyena to follow her, but she had enough sense and idea generation to solve the avalanche situation. At least for long enough that Kyle and the pack could escape.[break][break]

The stone edge wall begins to groan, the sharper points cracking off and breaking as the avalanche slams into it at full force. The weight of the snow and ice is impossibly heavy, and, while Arcanine is doing his best to melt the snow and prevent it from breaking the wall, his efforts are nearly useless.[break][break]

"Keep extending the wall! We just need a little bit more time."[break][break]

Stormy shouts over the rumbling noise, her voice nearly lost. But Tyranitar and Rhyhorn still push on, groaning under the pressure but maintaining their formation. More and more rocks rise from the ground to bear the weight of the snow. It seems to have slowed down, the rocks don't fall quite as quickly. [break][break]

The woman glances over her shoulder as Kyle releases another Mightyena. Arcanine picks up the high-frequency noise and flattens his ears to it, forcing himself to focus on his task and to not obey the commands of another trainer.[break][break]

"I don't know how much longer we can hold it, Kyle. You need to get out of here!"[break][break]

Fortunately, it seems for the most part the Mightyena pack is following his direction - albeit with suspicion and anxiety. The younger ones urge the older and weaker to the front, pushing them along as they scurry away from the natural disaster. [break][break]

Slowly but surely, the rock wall continues to break and the thundering noise of the snow continues to bear down on them, pushing Stormy and her crew closer and closer as they run to escape as well.[break][break]



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POSTED ON Jan 3, 2020 18:49:10 GMT
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his workings were slow. his mightyena manages to keep the wild pokemon from getting rowdy, it doesn't help the fact that the pack were still wary of their actions with them around.

he feels stormy's concern. being able to hold it for more than a few seconds were an incredible enough feat. unable to console her with words with a whistle in his mouth, he is left with nothing to do but continue his job. he blows in rhythmic intervals, until it paces faster when he sees his first mightyena catch up to them.

"alpha!" he shouts his name, dropping the whistle from his mouth. his lycanroc manages to catch it. "go live up your name!"

kyle goes out of the way along with his lycanroc while both of his mightyena stay with the pack.

alpha manages to quickly rally the wild pokemon after delta had loosened them up with his moves. a yip and a bark and then the mightyena's charm wins over most of the group, which was enough to mobilize the pack to his whims. their worries were comforted, and with two of their kind around, they ease up and move more hastily than before.


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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2020 3:19:46 GMT
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Stormy experiences almost like a chill when Kyle calls for Alpha, like she herself was being moved by some motivational speech. The two Mightyena make headway, finally convincing the pack that they were safe, that it was alright and beneficial that they follow their commands.[break][break]

The rock wall rumbles and trembles, shattering under the weight. Panic rises in Stormy's chest as her Pokemon retreat, unable to hold it back any longer. Thousands of pounds of snow and ice come rushing towards them, threatening to devour everything in its path.[break][break]

"It's time to go!"[break][break]

She turns tail to try and catch up with Kyle, but her shorter legs and distance between them already makes her slower. By this time she'd returned Rhyhorn and Tyrantitar to save them from unnecessary suffering, but the snow was up to her knees and she looked about ready to fall right in.[break][break]

Her Arcanine tumbles down the side of the mountain, several hundred feet ahead of the oncoming avalanche. As he gets closer, he scoops her up onto his back and joins Kyle, even offering him a shoulder to grab onto should he need it to escape.[break][break]

"Grab on!"[break][break]

Stormy's hand reaches for Kyle's.[break][break]



[newclass=.bodygold] font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; padding: 35px; width: 330px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 30px; text-align: justify; background: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 3px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 18:52:12 GMT
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kyle takes stormy's offer in a moment's notice, holding onto her arm and then hoisting himself up the arcanine. a foot plants onto the side of the fire-type to make his action go as smoothly as possible, though his experience with riding arcanine makes it so he adjusts the force he exerts to it as bearable as possible.


while he likes the high tempo games he usually plays, escort missions on these were usually his least liked missions. just as he is done making sure he is safe, his eyes start to look for the mightyena pack. he heaves from having attempted to outrun the avalanche before being picked up by stormy, preventing him to shout for his pokemon's attention.

and he lost his whistle too. he makes a mental note to replace it before he forgets.

a bark disrupts the panic kyle feels. he finds his mightyena on the far corner of his eye, successfully managing to get the entire pack out of the way. a bunch of the adult ones have the pups on their mouths while others supported the older members. he knew relying on his pokemon to organize the pack was much more convenient than attempting to do it on his own.

"there's no more of this along the way, right?" kyle asks stormy, a hint of a jest coming from his tone.


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stormy, bronwen
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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 3:28:02 GMT
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Stormy's fingers wrap around his forearm as his hand clasps around hers. Her grip is like iron as she uses her momentum and his own to pull him onto Arcanine's back. The dog Pokemon doesn't even seen to notice, not flinching despite Stormy's knees squeezing his ribs to hold herself up.[break][break]

His breathing escapes in hot pants as they fly across the snow: orange against a field of white. The Mightyena run ahead of them, even the straggling ones managing to keep a decent pace. They lag behind but Arcanine doesn't surpass them.[break][break]

Kyle's question seems to relax the painful tautness of her shoulders, and she forces herself to take a breath, to calm down. And in doing so, a relieved and nervous laugh escapes as she glances over her shoulder.[break][break]

"I sure hope not. I've had it with winter. Gimme a blistering hot day any day, my friend."[break][break]

The avalanche folds over itself as it hits the base of the mountain. It spreads out like terrifying streams before coming to a halt. It's as if the world has taken a deep breath, and then there's nothing.[break][break]



[newclass=.bodygold] font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 12px; color: #aaa; padding: 35px; width: 330px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 30px; text-align: justify; background: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.bodygoldt] float: right; margin: -36px; margin-top: -26px; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jan 12, 2020 22:17:55 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
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